Caution: If you lose or forget the password, it cannot be recovered. Encrypted data cannot be recovered without your password.If you are using Excel 2011If you are using Excel 2008Excel 20111) Open the workbook you want to protect.
It Works!!!! just follow all the steps closelly! I finally recovered the data on a macbook that I had in 2011 and I completely forgot the user password, plus it was a different iCloud account so no way I could recover the password using the icloud. May god Bless u!!!! Obrigado!
How To Retrieve Password For Excel 2011 Mac
I need to login in to the site as a starting point and then progress to a further page and select table data and paste back into excel. Can someone help me with the starting point by helping me identify what username and password controls/labels I need from this website html to use for the code? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can login to a password protected site using a browser but that does not mean that I can run a web query from excel and be logged into the same site it requires a login using excels web query box first for a site cookie to be associated with an excel login.
There is some excellent end user training on Office 2013 here. There is some excellent end user training on Office for Mac 2011 here: Excel 2011 / Outlook 2011 / PowerPoint 2011 / Word 2011 Some end user help guides on Office Mobile for iPhone here. Some end user help guides on Office Mobile for Android here. 2ff7e9595c